Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nithyananda Ragasutha Ranjitha with Sexy Scandal

Nithyananda is supposed to be a Swami (spiritual person) and this shocking video of him in bed with an actress has only shown how some people take the common person’s faith for granted.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a spiritual and mystic guru. He was born on January 1, 1978 in Tamil Nadu, India and took the path of self-realisation with a natural passion for the Truth. He experimented with yoga, tantra, vedanta and other Eastern metaphysical sciences, from the age of 32.

Be honest.Is there anything as forced or necessary donations? People donate when they want to.

If you are offering a service, and the service is not free,and a payment has to be made for the service, why mark the payment as “donation”?

The devotees can donate for the puja through cheque/cash/DD.

There is another implication for this. TAX.No tax need to be paid for donations.Nice idea Mr.Nithyananda.

Nithyananda need to be investigated for the earnings accumulated through these “donations” since they are not really donations and they are charged from the people.

Let me tell an example, if someone cuts your hair,you pay them, thats not a donation.

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