Sunday, February 7, 2010

Asal Movie Watch Online Free

Asal is a story of riot between three brothers over a property. Two of the brothers (Sampath Kumar and Rajeev Krishna) are constantly fighting for the wealth and the property while the other brother keeps aside and tries to stop the family getting split. The feud existed there in the family right from the father's time and is still continuing even after the death of the father. Both the good son and father's role is played by Ajith. The wealth seems too much for the brothers to handle and they land in trouble. So Ajith comes for their rescue. The rest deals with the climax. For more see the movie Asal.

Sameera Reddy is playing the heroine, has no much scope of performance in the film but has enacted her role very well. Bhavana looks pretty in the movie. Ajith, as usual is looking glamorous and handsome in the film. Even Sampath, Rajeev and Pradeep has done their roles of villains very well. As far as the story is concerned there is nothing much extra ordinary in it and sometimes it pricks that the cast , especially Ajith is given a priority than the script. Yuhi Sethu tries hard to provide a few comic moments, succeeding partially on the rare occasion; his side kicks trying hard with a few gimmicks as well. Prabhu shows a dignified presence. The only thing to say that its the presence of Ajith in his stylish costumes and accessories that stop one from getting bored.

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